Military Add-ons for P3D


Contacts Haze Gray Studios

Thanks for reaching out.

Please remember that I do not provide support for any of these paints, scenarios, sceneries or AI traffic packages. I encourage you to go over to Sim-Outhouse or MAIW or one of those communities where people are more knowledgeable and better able to help out.

The best way to reach me is to contact me thru Social Media – that’s going to be either FB or IG – but you can also send me an email. That will be Mark (my name) – at – haze gray studios dot net.

If you would like to discuss something business related or maybe you have a project idea or something to collaborate on, then by all means reach out.

Thank you for all your support.

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  • USMC CH-53E Repaints

    USMC CH-53E Repaints

    This package is a set of 28 USMC CH-53E repaints for Nemeth’s CH-53E Super Stallion, which also is included in Prepar3d version 4.2 and later. The purpose of this repaint set was to provide multiple aircraft in any given operational squadron for those that might enjoy simulating USMC aviation in multiplayer scenarios.  Obviously I am…

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  • NAS Kingsville Scenery for P3Dv4

    NAS Kingsville Scenery for P3Dv4

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