Military Add-ons for P3D

About us

About us Haze Gray Studios

Really if we are talking in terms of about us, it is actually just me, as in singular – but I do like to work with some other like minded friends that have contributed quite a bit. I’ll give them credit at every turn, of course.

I’m a Navy veteran, and a former expat, now living in Texas but who knows there the road from here might lead. I was for a short time a naval aircrewman, having flown a bit on P-3 Orion aircraft. Not really able to talk a lot about what I actually did in the Navy, so we’ll leave that part out. Suffice it to say that I had and still have a lot of good friends and memories from those days.

About me Haze Gray Studios
deployed to some crappy location for the holidays, many moons ago.

This website is set up for affiliate links in the future, however for now I really only envision this to be a curated collection of freeware downloads or recommendations for add-ons that I use myself – of course most of these will relate somehow to military aviation in most cases.

More importantly this is just a creative outlet for me to share the stuff that I am working and how it fits in with other great military addons.

Contact me

If you feel the need, you can reach out via social media (my preference) or you can send an email. Email boxes are invitations for incessant SPAM so that might not be the best way to reach me.

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Enjoying our content? It is freeware, put a lot of love, passion and effort goes into it. Buy Haze Gray Studios a beer!

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Latest Posts

  • USMC CH-53E Repaints

    USMC CH-53E Repaints

    This package is a set of 28 USMC CH-53E repaints for Nemeth’s CH-53E Super Stallion, which also is included in Prepar3d version 4.2 and later. The purpose of this repaint set was to provide multiple aircraft in any given operational squadron for those that might enjoy simulating USMC aviation in multiplayer scenarios.  Obviously I am…

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  • NAS Kingsville Scenery for P3Dv4

    NAS Kingsville Scenery for P3Dv4

    Here is another half-baked (if that) work in process scenery that I have been working on for Prepar3d v4.  This is going to be easily recognizable (hopefully) as NAS Kingsville scenery KNQI, in Kingsville Texas. I think it is time that we get a somewhat improved NAS Kingsville scenery for P3D, to build on what…

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